Deepen Your Soil-Plant Connection
We help you grow healthier plants naturally and truly organically.
Product Benefits

Builds soil structure, health, and respiration.

Reduces water

Provides high levels
of diverse fungi.

Functions with

Reduces synthetic

Natural food source
for soil.

Reduces nitrate and
phosphate runoff.

New Product!
Tru-fecta Finely Screened Living Compost
This premium quality compost contains living biology as complete soil food web communities. It has been screened to create small particles that are easier to spread and create more biologically active surface area. There is no better way to amend or top-dress your soil than with abundant living organisms.
Kingdom Aquaponics™ Consulting
Revolutionize Your Green Space
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(508) 935-6800
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Successful Projects
Orchard Restoration at Conifer Hollow Farms
Revitalizing a Southern California Orchard: Comprehensive Soil Restoration and Sustainable Solutions Leighton performed a complete restoration of a...
Farm – Protea Farm
Revitalizing a Southern California Orchard: Comprehensive Soil Restoration and Sustainable Solutions Leighton is restoring agricultural acreage that...
Wildlife Crossing in Southern California
Transforming Wildlife Infrastructure: Advanced Soil Solutions for the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing Leighton provided key insight for the...
Chattanooga, Tennessee
View our soil reports for this project →View the Chattanooga webcam to witness the progress! →
Harvard Business School
Kingdom Aquaponics'™ Products Used at Harvard Business School Harvard Business School renovated Spangler Court by installing walk-ways, changing...
Princeton University
Princeton University, Dept. of Neuroscience Using Kingdom Aquaponics'™ Products The contractor working with the landscape at Princeton University's...
Private Estates
Private Estates Using Kingdom Aquaponics' Products Rejuvenate™ and Harmonize™ are being applied to private residences from the Hamptons, Martha's...
The Gateway Arch in St. Louis
The Gateway Arch Park in St. Louis, MO Treated with Organic Fertilizers Kingdom Aquaponics is proud to be a part of the renovation of the Gateway...
Rockefeller Center
Three large London plane trees ranging in 12-13 inch caliber needed to be planted at Rockefeller Center to replace three that had perished. Due to...
Governor’s Island
Governor's Island Treated with Kingdom Aquaponics'™ Products. Kingdom Aquaponics™ is honored to be a part of Governor’s Island across the way from...
Product success
Transforming iconic landscapes.
Discover how Kingdom Aquaponics’ is transforming landscapes at iconic locations like Governor’s Island, The Gateway Arch Park, and Rockefeller Center. From private estates to prestigious institutions like Harvard and Princeton, our success stories speak for themselves.

Kingdom Aquaponics™
Revolutionizing the landscape, organic plant care, and green growing industry.
Technology has given us the knowledge and tools that allows us to make the highest quality, most consistent soil and plant biology products available today.

About Us
Revolutionizing the green growing industry.
Since 2011, Kingdom Aquaponics LLC has provided organic soil amendments using our artisan compost, free-range worm castings, and fish byproducts, ensuring thriving plant health for commercial, residential, and agricultural clients nationwide.
Let’s get Growing Naturally.
Reach out today for a free consultation and discover how Kingdom Aquaponics can help your landscape thrive.